Marriage Traditions in Bangladesh


The marriage wedding ceremony in Bangladesh follows the Gaye Holud ceremony in which turmeric is applied to the bride’s skin. The bride’s is responsible for the ceremony, and the groom’s family joins in afterwards in the evening. This kind of ceremony is as well as a grand lunch break. After the big event, the bride and groom are allowed to mingle together, and the groups of both the bride and groom exchange items.

During the ceremony, the groom’s spouse and children invites pretty much all his family members and friends. The bride’s family is the guest of honor and is invited together with the groom’s family and friends. The bride’s spouse and children arrives together with a tray of floral throughout and a bowl of khoi, a traditional sweet yogurt.

The bride is certainly blessed by parents of both equally sides of the friends and family before the wedding ceremony. She then gets a ‘ruhi’ fish, which usually represents fertility, longevity, all the best, and perception. The groom’s family also blesses the bride and soon-to-be husband. Later, the bride’s father and mother, relatives, and friends eat the fish collectively.

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Through the marriage ceremony, the bride’s friends and family and friends bless the wedding couple, and the bride commences her existence with her significant other. This is a unique and emotional moment inside the lives of both the wedding couple. In the earlier days, the relationship with japanese woman star of the wedding had to travel around far to dating bangladeshi women get married to the groom, as well-to-do families generally lived significantly apart. Today, they may even live in a similar neighbourhood.



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